Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· sergiocosta

Serializing circular references in MongoDb

To serialize an object containing circular references to mongo, you need to set it to ignore the reference, and then initialize it during deserialization:

    public void CanSerializeCircularReferences()
        var parent = new Parent();
        parent.Name = "Parent 1";
        parent.AddChild(new Child() { Name = "Child 1" });
        parent.AddChild(new Child() { Name = "Child 2" });

        var repository = new MongoRepository<Parent>("mongodb://localhost/tests");
        var parent2 = repository.GetSingle(p => p.Name == "Parent 1");
        Assert.That(parent2, Is.Not.Null);

public class Parent : Entity, ISupportInitialize
    private List<Child> children = new List<Child>();
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Child> Children
        get { return children; }
        set { children = value; }

    public void AddChild(Child toAdd)
        toAdd.Father = this;

    public void BeginInit()

    public void EndInit()
        this.Children.ForEach(child => child.Father=this);

public class Child
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Parent Father { get; set; }