.NET Development Tips
Coding tips for C#, ASP.NET, and VB.NET that are so good you'll have Redmond impressed.
Compose bytes to UTF-8 string
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c#, bitwise operation
Online RegEx Editor for Ruby, JS and .NET
Jasdeep Singh
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javascript, ruby, .net
ORM and Memory Bloat
Kevin Rankin
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.net, csharp, linq
MVC5 Samples of Scheduler .NET Are Available for Download
Viktoria Langer
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asp.net mvc, scheduler, asp.net, mvc5
Delegate Example
Bruno Mikoski
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unity, c#, delegate, unity3d
Linq Collecting Files Names Recursively
Lucas Caballero
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linq, recursion, file-system
Normalizing Strings in C#
Carlos Nasillo
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clr, strings, best practice, c#
Tracing network traffic in .NET applications
Sergey Stoma
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.net, debugging, network, requests
Update all Nuget packages in a solution matched by name
Julien Roncaglia
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powershell, nuget, .net
Faster logins to remote Windows servers
Steve Jansen
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.net, windows
Correct decimal format
Marcus Olsson
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format, c#, decimal
Sitecore Media Items Minifier
Nishant Agarwal
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css, .net, js, minify
Handle Null Model
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.net, csharp, asp.net mvc
HydraMF - Wiimote extensions (Motion Plus, Nunchuck and Classic Controller) in .NET Micro Framework (NETMF).
Antão Almada
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csharp, .netmicroframework
Don't mix comparison (==) with assignment (=)
Eldad Fux
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ruby, php, .net, nodejs
Building Out a Clean, REST-ful WebApi Service with a Minimal WebApi Project
John Atten
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c#, webapi, asp.net
Bind null problem
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asp.net, c#, devexpress
SqlParameter Constructor Beware...
Neelam Gupta
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entity framework, stored procedure, constructors, asp.net
xUnit.net Extensibility
Brice Lambson
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.net, xunit.net
Paste JSON as Classes in Xamarin Studio
Prashant C
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c#, xamarin, monodevelop
Quick Subset in C#
James Long
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c#, ienumerable, subset
Clickable Links In Test Output
Anthony Johnston
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.net, testing, resharper, vs2012