.NET Development Tips
Coding tips for C#, ASP.NET, and VB.NET that are so good you'll have Redmond impressed.
Manual Dependency Injection
Pedro Tavares
2 responses
dependency injection, c#
XPath - Brief Introduction
0 responses
x-path, .net, html, web scraping
KaraokeList2: Indexa tus karaoke y arma la fiesta
Miguel Jimenez
0 responses
opensource, c#, karaoke
A Simple and Readable C# Micro-optimization: Expression Operand Ordering
Aaron Dandy
0 responses
.net, csharp, aaron_dandy
WebSaver: Web Screensaver Generator for Win32
Vitaly Obukhov
0 responses
css, html, .net, web
"Active" navigation in Umbraco
Matt Cheale
0 responses
umbraco, .net
SQL Server Service Broker: sample fixture app
Vitaly Obukhov
0 responses
.net, sql, sql server, microsoft
VS 2010 Regex for converting C++ defines to C# constants
Toni Petrina
0 responses
visual studio 2010, c, c#
Use of 'internal' in C# for Unit Testing
Evin Grano
1 response
c#, internal, reserved word
Multiple class extension support
George Silva
0 responses
.net, arcobjects, esri
Debuggex: A visual regex debugger
Carlos Nasillo
0 responses
python, regex, tools, debugger
Singleton Pattern for Unity3D
Leonardo Lopes
0 responses
singleton, c#, unity3d
Tie a Build project to a Build Event
Josh Gum
0 responses
javascript, css, .net, automation
installing VS2012
José F. Romaniello
0 responses
.net, visual studio
Framework, IIS and SQL server checker
Ilyas Kolasinac
0 responses
.net, sql, iis
Using Entity Framework Code First with MySQL
Brice Lambson
0 responses
mysql, .net, entity-framework
making http easy with speakeasy..
0 responses
csharp, http, .net
Publish to NuGet
Alexander Brevig
0 responses
.net, nuget
Change Series.View.Color
0 responses
ui, c#, devexpress, xtracharts
How to enable a label
4 responses