ASP.NET MVC Developer, Backbone.js, MongoDB
Joined November 2012
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
.net, cqrs, c#, aspnetmvc
Using ElasticSearch witn NEST client
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
elasticsearch, nest
Refactoring Remove method in MongoDb Repository
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
csharp, mongodb
Powershell script for nginx log rotate
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, nginx
Run Psake tasks on TeamCity
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, nuget, teamcity, psake
Refactoring build script on Psake
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, psake
Run NUnit tests from powershell
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, nunit, nuget
Backbone.js ctrl+left/right hot keys
Abdrashitov Vadim
1 response
Posting json object which will bind IDictionary<>
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
javascript, mvc
161 Karma
15,801 Total ProTip Views

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo

Have at least one original repo where CoffeeScript is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need