Popular Css Programming Tips
A Funky Navigation Bar
Aniket Pant
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Bootstrap3 for Ruby on Rails
Junerey Casuga
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CSS placeholder attribute on :focus
Ilic Davor
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Modernizr-like Flash plugin detection
Cédric Néhémie
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Minify Your CSS inside of Textmate
Ben Roux
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css, textmate
Avoid tag selectors for common elements
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
css, performance
Position:fixed on chrome
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Proportional Grids
Oli Lisher
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css, responsive design, grids
Make bootstrap from develop
Marcos Hernández
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IE8+ Retina and Responsive Images
Cory Simmons
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css, responsive, scss, retina
clearfix SASS Mixin
Denis Jacquemin
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css, sass, mixin, webdesign
Set up a colour palette with LESS
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css, less
Bind css refresh to custom key shortcut in chrome
Kasper Mikiewicz
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css, chrome, js, reload
Missing Compass for Less?
Derek Reynolds
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Use HSLA & RGBA colours for box shadows without a fallback
Eric Daams
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css, css3, colours, box-shadow
Get yer serve on! Quick 'n Simple Server
Peter Peterson
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python, css, html, javascript
jsfiddle diff
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php, css, diff, js
Vertically center arbitrarily sized content without the use of JS
Andrew Jaswa
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css, css3, no-js
sass: use media query helpers
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css, responsive, mobile, sass
What Stuck: FITC Web Performance & Optimization
Joanna Ong
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css, tools, front-end, event
SASS Modules in Continuous Design/Delivery
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css, sass, continuous-design, continuous-delivery
CSS3 Sliced Paper Shadow
Murphy Randle
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css, responsive, trick, paper
Using @at-root Sass mixin
Romain Laurent
0 responses
css, sass, scss, mixin
Quick and Dirty Conditional Layouts With the Adjacent Selector
Jonah Stuart
1 response
css, modules, box model, html