Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
Vim "swap", "backup" and "undo" files.
Rafael Bika
3 responses
vim, backup, undo, swap
How to connect to remote mongo database with the mongo cli
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
shell, terminal, cli, mongodb
Extract your external IP using command line tools
Janos Gyerik
13 responses
perl, sed, curl, bash
Vi mode in Sublime Text
Widy Graycloud
1 response
vim, editor, text, tuts
Convert RAW photos to JPG in the Mac OS terminal
Ricardo Magalhães
4 responses
terminal, osx, mac, images
Multi Thread wget
Filipe Kiss
5 responses
shell, linux, wget, mac os
Let's all take a moment of silence... git pull is dead.
Jupiter St John
11 responses
shell, zsh, git, bash
Install powerline on OSX mountain lion
Enrique Vidal
6 responses
python, vim, homebrew, macvim
Extend Git with Custom Commands
Jeff Remer
3 responses
shell, git
Replace a string recursively in a directory on Mac OS X
Bertrand Chardon
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, replace
vim paragraph formatting to wrap at 80 characters
Chip Castle
1 response
viml, vimscript, vim, vi
Make your TMux status bar responsive
Łukasz Niemier
12 responses
shell, tmux
Configure the Vagrant login user during provisioning using the Shell provider.
Mike Hall
5 responses
ruby, shell, vagrant
Grep and replace text in files
0 responses
terminal, sed, grep, linux
Edit remote files with Sublime Text over SSH (with sudo too!)
Daniel Demmel
4 responses
ssh, sublimetext, sudo
pbcopy and pbpaste on Linux
Charlie Sanders
3 responses
shell, linux, pbcopy, pbpaste
List aliases in UNIX or Linux
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, aliases, alias, linux
Checking if a CSR is signed with SHA-2 hash algorithm
Simone Carletti
1 response
shell, ssl, openssl, ssl certificates
Setup Macvim For Maximum Awesomeness
Vinit Kumar
5 responses
ruby, python, vim, editor
Create a zsh function
Chip Castle
0 responses
zsh, alias, history, unix
Send emails via Amazon SES with Bash and cURL
Bruno Coimbra
9 responses
shell, curl, bash, amazon ses
Setting Up Terminator (Terminal ++)
1 response
terminal, fedora, terminator
Syntax highlighting for zsh
Robert Böhnke
3 responses
shell, fish, zsh, terminal