Popular Bash Programming Tips
Remove 5 last modified files on bash
Juan Diego Gonzales
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shell, bash, command line, linux
Careful about the conditional operators in bash
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bash, unix
Quickly setup your project .rvmrc
Jesse Panganiban
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ruby, bash, rvm
Install shellshock patched bash from source
Montana Flynn
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shell, security, linux, bash
Django bash aliases
Christian Toivola
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django, bash
Remove all untagged docker images
0 responses
grep, xargs, bash, cut
Get the loc by each filetype in a git repo
Tim Anema
0 responses
git, xargs, bash
Find the files that were modified within the last 5 mins
Viktor Voronin
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bash, grep, find, linux
Run the last command as root
Don Johnson
0 responses
shell, terminal, bash
Terminal Meta Goodness in iTerm
boB Rudis
0 responses
shell, bash, shortcut, iterm
Remove item from path (quickly)
0 responses
bash, path
zsh - enabling tab autocompletion
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
bash, zsh, cli
Most Useful Bash Shortcut
0 responses
bash, linux, shortcut, useful
Bash process manipulations
Eugeniy Belyaev
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bash, fg, bg
zsh - enabling zsh for spesific user
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
bash, zsh, cli
git branch in bash
Emmanuel Bourgerie
0 responses
bash, git
^R ssh ENTER is very useful - save time with history search
Johannes Lundberg
0 responses
shell, bash, terminal
Prevent accidental overwrites with redirects
Mustafa Paksoy
0 responses
shell, bash, safety
Using better CLIs
0 responses
tools, git, python, utils
Charles Feduke
0 responses
shell, bash, zsh
List 404 links from wget.log
Suzanne Aldrich
0 responses
shell, bash