Popular Bash Programming Tips
Using better CLIs
0 responses
tools, git, python, utils
Exporting/Importing Compressed MySQL Backups
Colin O'Dell
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mysql, bash
rm -r ./~ is way way different than rm -r ~
Prashanth Sadasivan
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ec2, ubuntu, bash
alias brake="bundle exec rake"
Francis San Juan
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rails, bash
Find a symbol in multiple C++/C libraries (archives or shared libraries)
Hélder Vasconcelos
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c, shell, linux, bash
Create a file with clipboard contents
Jacob Lichner
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shell, bash
Git conflicts resolving helpers
Dmitriy Rozhkov
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merge, conflicts, git, bash
Copying working directories
Anthony Sutardja
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osx, bash
Cumbersome complete site uploads slow and painful? use LFTP!
Larry Williamson
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wordpress, staging, lftp, ssh
Simple way to print commit url
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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github, bash, git
Show total size of folders and contents
Martin Downton
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bash, disk usage
Speed test using shell
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shell, bash
Run Tests on Directory Save
Saul Shanabrook
0 responses
shell, fish, bash, testing
Shell alias for getting the ip address of a docker container easily
Ganeshwara Herawan Hananda Putra
0 responses
shell, bash, zsh, docker
Back-search your bash history with CTRL+R
Andy Wild
0 responses
shell, history, shortcut, bash
Show current Git branch in bash prompt
James Acklin
0 responses
bash, git, dotfiles
Get your ip address
0 responses
bash, shell, linux
Forget sudo?
1 response
shell, sudo, bash
Quickly switch between Git branches
Baptiste Fontaine
0 responses
bash, git
Matching regexps directly in bash
Knut Haugen
0 responses
bash, regexp
Enable lolcommits for all repos!
George Marchin
0 responses
git, bash, lolcommits
`git rm` all deleted files
Anka Sirota
0 responses
xargs, awk, git, bash