Android Development Tips
A collection of protips every android developer should know.
An expandable layout for Android
Artur Termenji
0 responses
layout, android, android-dev
Disable multi touch for specific View in Android?
0 responses
multitouch, android
Cancel a Service that has been scheduled with AlarmManager
0 responses
service, android, alarmmanager, cancel
Enable hardware keyboard input in Android Emulators
Bartosz Filipowicz
0 responses
android, avd, emulator
Javascript to Java Bridge
Mitchell Turner
1 response
polyglot, java, javascript, android
Share VPN through Android WIFI hotspot
Emilio Blanco
0 responses
vpn, android, tethering
Access Localhost in Genymotion Simulators
Marshall Klickman
1 response
simulator, web development, virtual machine, localhost
WebView and Hardware acceleration
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
android, webview
Android terms(dip/dp, px, dpi, display matrix)
eranga bandara
0 responses
android, android-display, dip, dpi
Proper Background Content Loading in Android
Jose Salcido
0 responses
android, development, design
Mocking URLConnection
Diego Garcia
0 responses
android, java
Put enum type in a bundle for intents
0 responses
android, enum, putextra, java
Starting an activity with result the clean way
Philippe Auriach
0 responses
android, intent, result, handler
Android Animations – Code Snippets
0 responses
animation, interpolator, android
Lies, lies, and Android's stock browser
Yury Tilis
1 response
css, android, mobile, css3
Focus on Android layout xml
Matt Munday
0 responses
layout.xml, google tv, android
LayoutInflater - Android
Nischay Mohan
0 responses
android, layout
Configure ProGuard to Retain Line Numbers in Stack Traces
Arne Handt
0 responses
android, java, proguard
Block all links inside a WebView
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
webview, android
Android sliding menu
Matt Munday
0 responses
DIVs with position:absolute dissapearing in Android stock browser?
Paweł Komarnicki
7 responses
css, android, webkit, android stock browser
Audio mix and recording on Android
0 responses
android, java
ViewPager Sample with Multiple Fragments
0 responses
java, android
ExpandableListView and long click listener done right
Bartłomiej Wójtowicz
1 response
android, expandablelistview, onitemlongclicklistener, long click