Android Development Tips
A collection of protips every android developer should know.
How to draw heart shaped ImageView in Android using PorterDuffXfermode and SVG
Mostafa Gazar
4 responses
library, imageview, java, circle
Rendering any Android View directly to an OpenGL Texture
Anuraag Sridhar
5 responses
android, opengl
Android Async Task with Dialog
0 responses
java, android, async task
Cordova-StartApp: launch external app from Cordova app
Dmitry Medvinsky
3 responses
ios, cordova, phonegap, java
How to install IntelliJ on Linux (Mint 13)
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
intellij, android
.gitignore for Android Studio projects
Iain Connor
1 response
git, android, android studio
Testing on Android Studio
2 responses
tdd, android, testing, bdd
Google Now ListView Style
15 responses
google, mobile, ui design, development
Schedule a service using AlarmManager
1 response
service, schedule, android, alarmmanager
Load ppt file on my Android app
Waheed Abbas
0 responses
java, android studio, android
SwipeListView: Open Source Library for Android
Javi Pacheco
0 responses
android, open source, library, listview
A nice way to maintain server session id on Android.
Lior Zimmerman
0 responses
android, java, nodejs
Refactor and Rename a Android Studio Project or App
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
android, refactor, android studio
Dashboard layout in Android
Sebastiano Poggi
5 responses
dashboard, layout, style, ux
Programatically change main(launch) activity in android
eranga bandara
0 responses
android, addroid-activity, launch-activity
ViewPager children into single layout XML
Juan Jose Alonso
1 response
layout, xml, java, jjosealonso
HD & Retina Display Media Queries
Mike King
1 response
css, ios, responsive design, media query
Android: read the logcat programmatically
Daniele Rigo
0 responses
android, logcat
Replacing one fragment with another in Android dynamically
Sapan Diwakar
0 responses
android, replace, layout, static
Debugging JavaScript errors on iOS, android and other mobile devices
Mark Vaughn
1 response
console, android, debugging, iphone
Run Android emulator with http proxy from Android Studio
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
android, http, proxy, fiddler
GLaDOS Voice Tutorial (and other AI's)
Wesley Hill
2 responses
android, mac, iphone, robots
adb over bluetooth
Benjamin Weiss
0 responses
Android NDK / JNI Quickstart
0 responses
android, ndk, jni
Facebook Login Button & Android
0 responses
eclipse, java, facebook sdk, android