Android Development Tips
A collection of protips every android developer should know.
Fixing Nexus 4 OTA update error on custom recovery "set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed"
Akapo Damilola Francis
4 responses
google, vilgax321, root, update
Get Android launcher and settings in Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
2 responses
settings, android, launcher, glass
Auto-injection of mocks using Mockito with RoboGuice & Robolectric
Mateusz Herych
0 responses
java, roboguice, robolectric, mockito
Proper LOG_TAG on Android
Gonçalo Silva
4 responses
java, logcat, android
Show Toast Messages
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
android, java, message, toast
0 responses
search, android, searchview, filterble
Cross-platform mobile XHR (PhoneGap/Cordova)
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
ios, android, mobile, xhr
Sending application context to asynctask
Luis Alberto Durazo Arvizu
0 responses
android, this, asynctask, getapplicationcontext
Mobile Bookmark Bubble
Kevin Perrine
1 response
javascript, android, ios
Android webview and device orientation changing
Julio Betta
0 responses
android, mobile, webview
parallel execute calabash-android tests
12 responses
shell, android, test, calabash-android
In Depth Android boot sequence
Ketan Parmar
0 responses
android, boot process, boot requence
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Android Asynchronous Http Client
Allen Chun
0 responses
android, rest, async, get
Convert your Localizable.strings (iOS) to strings.xml (Android)
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
android, localizable, ios
Set-up Qt for Android dev on Ubuntu
Mariano Finochietto
0 responses
android, qt, ubuntu
Native code coverage on Android with gcov
0 responses
tdd, unittest, testing, coverage
Show Circle Image in Android
Nadav Fima
0 responses
imageview, image, circle, android
facebook auth with ionic and firebase
Connor Leech
0 responses
cordova, javascript, android, firebase
Build googletest (gtest) with Android NDK
0 responses
tdd, android, unittest, testing
Switching branch with repo for Android Source code
0 responses
android, repo, android source code
Volley - Code Snippets
0 responses
networking, network, volley, android-volley
IntelliJ and Gradle - disable update indices
Piotr Jarzemski
1 response
android, maven, gradle, intellij
HttpURLConnection hangs on Android
Sebastiano Poggi
0 responses
http, apache, connection, httpurlconnection
connect to remote adb server
daniel anggrianto
0 responses
adb, android, remote