Android Development Tips
Android SDK Update - Headless (SSH)
Paul Blundell
1 response
ssh, upgrade, android, sdk
ShhApp! keep your voice down.
Swapnil kotwal
0 responses
android, cryptography, java
Re-route Android log output when using Robolectric
Arne Handt
0 responses
logging, testing, robolectric, android
Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
android, protip, java, enums
Take a Photo via adb
Balazs Nadasdi
0 responses
shell, android, adb, photo
Which Mobile App Platform First?
Lee Crossley
0 responses
android, mobile, iphone, app
Image Effects with Xamarin.Android
Prashant C
0 responses
android, xamarin
Make ImageView respect padding
Nathan Yuen
0 responses
android, padding, imagview
Titanium Android Menu Item
Ket Majmudar
0 responses
android, library, titanium, javascript
Launch Google Now Song recognition Intent
Roberto Orgiu
0 responses
android, programming, google now, java
Cancel a Service that has been scheduled with AlarmManager
0 responses
service, android, alarmmanager, cancel
Schedule a service using AlarmManager
1 response
service, schedule, android, alarmmanager
Handle multiple click listeners in a listView
Gautam Basubramanian
4 responses
android, programming, protip, listview
Video streaming on Android
Daniele Rigo
0 responses
android, video streaming
Hacking the Android Emulator
Nischay Mohan
0 responses
android, emulator, haxm
Get Android launcher and settings in Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
2 responses
settings, android, launcher, glass
Wireless ADB connection to Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
0 responses
adb, wireless, android, glass
Make app compatible with Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
0 responses
android, glass
Install Intent plugin in Phonegap 3.0
Florin Cosmin
3 responses
phonegap, java, javascript, package.
parallel execute calabash-android tests
12 responses
shell, android, test, calabash-android
Native code coverage on Android with gcov
0 responses
tdd, unittest, testing, coverage
Removing autofocus when UI is rendered
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
android, edittext, cursor blinking