Popular Web Programming Tips
SASS Opacity Mixin
3 responses
css, ie, mixin, opacity
Install SASS in Ubuntu
Alberto Aldegheri
0 responses
css, ubuntu, sass
OwlCarousel2 Chrome fix when resizing the carousel
Mario Loncarek
0 responses
jquery, css, owlcarousel
Do not confuse "disabled" input option with "readonly" one
Aleksey Magusev
0 responses
ruby, rails, html, slim
Bootstrap: Dropdowns on mouse over
Andreas Pizsa
4 responses
jquery, css, dropdown, bootstrap
Quick and dirty HTTP logging in Python
Austin Keeley
1 response
python, logging, web, http
Change background color without CSS
Zac Echola
0 responses
css, responsive web design, html
Quick and painless Tiny URL generator
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, html, url shortening
Keep scrolling to bottom of a web page with JavaScript
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
javascript, browser
HD & Retina Display Media Queries
Mike King
1 response
css, ios, responsive design, media query
Web Workers for Beginners and without external files
Christian Weber
3 responses
html5, javascript
Creating an NSAttributedString from HTML (or RTF) in iOS 7
Anthony Levings
2 responses
html, xcode, rtf, nsattributedstring
Change background color for autocompleted inputs in Google Chrome
Javier Cuevas
0 responses
css, webkit, google chrome
DO NOT $('#foo a'); DO $('#foo').find('a');
Adam Argyle
35 responses
css, performance, dom, jquery
High Resolution Images in -webkit using image-set() function
Ram Ratan Maurya
4 responses
css, responsive design, css3, webkit
Improve scroll performance of Chrome when using background-size: cover;
René Ras
5 responses
css, chrome, performance, background-size
ACE editor form submit
Daniel Tralamazza
1 response
html, form, ace
Styling input type range in Chrome and Firefox
Andrei Oprea
4 responses
css, chrome, firefox, input
Smoothly transition from green to red
Josh Kuhn
1 response
css, colors, hsl
Python Web Crawling for Emails
Saul Costa
1 response
python, web, beginner, crawling
Ignore hover events with CSS
Danny Garcia
0 responses
css, tip, events
Creating a Hacker News Client Using Angular JS
11 responses
hacker news, html, javascript, angularjs
Displaying comma separated values using CSS
Anandha Krishnan
4 responses
css, html, comma