Popular Vim Programming Tips
Remove the ugly splits separator
0 responses
vim, window, split
Tmux with utf-8
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
1 response
console, vim, tmux
Comment lines in Vim
Sandro Meier
2 responses
vim, comment, uncomment
Vim Tweaking :: SPF13 the ultimate bootstrapper
Rob Jens
0 responses
toolkit, vim, ide, productivity
High-Value Shell Aliasing
Dan Croak
10 responses
vim, unix, git
Portable Vim Configuration via Dropbox
Craig P Jolicoeur
5 responses
vim, dropbox
Pretty format JSON in Vim
Marcin Kulik
1 response
vim, json
vim to-do list
Vince Veselosky
1 response
vim, todo
Vim: Django Code AutoComplete
Marín Alcaraz
3 responses
vim, django, autocomplete
:Sex in vim
0 responses
vim, sex
Front-end web development tricks in Vim: Uncompress HTML
Rob Jens
3 responses
regex, vim, tags, css3
Use MacVim as your git diff tool (no external script)
Nathan Long
1 response
diff, vim, git
A pretty vim foldtext function
Gregory Pakosz
2 responses
vim, vimrc, .vimrc
tidied HTML in vi/vim
Jason Rogers
2 responses
vim, tidy, html
Set vim's equalprg for better formatting
Spencer Williams
0 responses
vim, linux, unix
pretty format json file in vim
1 response
python, vim, json
remap caps-lock to escape in ubuntu 13.10
Sven Eigenbrodt
0 responses
vim, ubuntu, keymap
Setup Powerline for Vim/MacVim in OSX 10.9.1
Djamel Eddine Feddad
2 responses
vim, macvim, powerline, osx 10.9.1
Add sudo after opening a file in vim
Steffan Harries
5 responses
vim, linux, sudo
Rebuild Cscope database
Gianluca Ciccarelli
0 responses
vim, cscope, code navigation
bash alias to get latest/most recent file
Ryan Regalado
2 responses
aliases, alias, osx, vim