Popular Vim Programming Tips
vim: repeat last macro command
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, repeat, macro
Dealing with multiple windows and files on VIM
Weslley Araujo
1 response
vim, resize, edit, split
Moving lines in Vim
0 responses
vim, moving-lines
Vim tip
Thiago Pontes
1 response
vim, tip, vi, gvim
Ever wanted to try Vim?
Emil Ahlbäck
0 responses
vim, editor, productivity, textmate
Run your Rails tests from vim to spin
Maximiliano Dello Russo
0 responses
tdd, rails, vim, rspec
Copy/Cut text to clipboard in vim
Herson Salinas
0 responses
viml, vim
Never get caught with badly spelled git commit message
2 responses
vim, spell, git
Integrated Development Environment?
Clark Nelson
2 responses
sublime, vim, development, ide
View git commit changes in vim
Alessandro Mecca
0 responses
git, diff, vim, commit
Tips to be productive as a programmer
eranga bandara
5 responses
workspace, vim
vim plugin to refactor rails code
Sandeep Ravichandran
0 responses
rails, vim
Command to create ctags for a project in vim
Florian Frank
0 responses
ruby, rails, vim, on
Splits auto resize
0 responses
vim, splits
0 responses
Readline in another level
Endel Dreyer
0 responses
shell, zsh, vim, readline
Hermes for rapid Rails development
Damon Davison
0 responses
osx, vim, tmux, iterm
Le wildmenu
0 responses
vim, menu, vi, wildmenu
Display 80 column border in vim
Olexandr Shalakhin
0 responses
vim, pep8