Integrated Development Environment?
Do you people use IDE's when you write code? I use eclipse when I write java and they have some really nice refactoring tools. Although the program is a little large, it has some nice tools and its hard to complain about FOSS.
In terms of web development I use iTerm2 with Sublime Text 3 using both solarized dark and solarized light themes respectively. I use a handy app called ghostlab to test cross browsers and auto refresh preview window.
What is your development environment?
Written by Clark Nelson
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2 Responses
I use IntelliJ IDEA (ultimate edition)at work and Eclipse and HOme for JAVA development.
IntelliJ has very good features for Code Navigation.
As I don't do much javascript/html development , I use Notepad++ for text editing.

Why do you chose to use Notepad++ over Sublime Text?