Popular Ubuntu Programming Tips
Upgrade Varnish on Ubuntu
Justin Downing
0 responses
varnish, aptitude, ubuntu
Configuring your Debian-based server timezone
Filipe Kiss
0 responses
shell, ubuntu
How to Use NFS (Server and Client)
Marcel Bischoff
1 response
howto, linux, server, client
Add Skype icon in message applications in Ubuntu 14.4
Morteza Nourelahi Alamdari
0 responses
icon, skype, application, message
Script to install OpenVAS from source code on Ubuntu/Arch linux
Chris Fernandez CEHv7, IACRB, Linux Engineer
0 responses
linux, arch, ubuntu, bash
Install Less CSS compiler in Ubuntu via nodes
Pol Ruzafa
0 responses
css, linux, ubuntu, less
Getting text to reflow on window resize in gnome-terminal
Victor Bjelkholm
0 responses
gnome, terminal, linux, ubuntu
Installing Node on Ubuntu
Abhijeet Sutar
2 responses
node, nvm, ubuntu, nodejs
Puppet Agents hangs on retrieving plugin
Jan Krause
0 responses
puppet, ubuntu, agent, hangs
creating a jailed SFTP users on Debian
Sean Macdonald
2 responses
openssl, debian, ubuntu, sftp
Display an image from stdout [ubuntu]
0 responses
command line, linux, unix, qr code
Install less CSS on ubuntu 12.04
Himani Agrawal
0 responses
css, ubuntu, less, 12.04
Running the Gitlab Resque worker on Ubuntu startup
Attila Györffy
0 responses
resque, gitlab, foreman, ubuntu
Updating and Upgrading packages on Ubuntu in a single shell script.
Akapo Damilola Francis
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, vilgax321
Install Qt 5.2 on Ubuntu Linux
Fabian Delgado
0 responses
linux, qt, ubuntu, qt5.2
Installing dm-postgres-adapater with PostgreSQL 9.3 on Ubuntu
Leandro Guida
0 responses
ruby, adapter, ubuntu, postgresql
cap command to install, start, restart , stop elasticsearch in ubuntu server
0 responses
cap, elasticsearch, task, ubuntu
Switch between PHP versions on Ubuntu
Tanmay Khedekar
0 responses
php, ubuntu
Fixing apt/apt-get/aptitude error _trying to overwrite …, which is also in package …_
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
linux, apt, aptitude, apt-get
Generic Monitor (XFCE - Memfree)
Scott Horsley
0 responses
linux, desktop, memory, debian
Monitoring servers with Htop
Robson Mendonça
0 responses
ps, monitoring, free, top
mean.io startup script (ubuntu)
Lior Kesos
1 response
nodejs, express, mongodb, ubuntu
Working with SQL Server with Ruby On Rails and Ubuntu
David Paluy
0 responses
rails, sqlserver, freetds, ubuntu
VIM Copy/Paste
Andrew [8xx8] Kulakov
3 responses
vim, xclip, ubuntu
Downloading buffered YouTube videos on Ubuntu using terminal
0 responses
python, terminal, youtube, ubuntu