Popular Testing Programming Tips
How to set up Cucumber
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ruby, rails, cucumber, app
ultimate cross-browser testing
Ryan Burke
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testing, cross-browser, compatibility, browser support
Testing node.js applications
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tdd, nodejs, screencast, testing
Testing Factories
Dmitriy Likhten
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testing, factories
Debug Mail
Yuri Shikanov
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testing, email, web-development, smtp
Configure test frameworks and fixture replacements in rails
Jens Grassel
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rails, configuration, testing, rspec
README Driven Development
Marcos Ganine
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tdd, testing
so test me, maybe?
MJ Rossetti
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ruby, rails, terminal, cucumber
Just make the Intern do the testing
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tdd, testing, javascript
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from BitBucket to Heroku
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ruby, rails, heroku, testing
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from GitHub to Heroku
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ruby, heroku, testing, rails
PHPUnit Testing for Sessions and Dynamo DB
Matthew Harmon
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php, testing, session, aws
Free eBook: Efficiency in Development Workflows
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development, testing, free, ebook
Using Email On Acid for testing Email?
Joakim Olander
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joakwest, testing, email, emailonacid
Build system tests through user interactions with your app
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, rails, test, testing
Run Arbitrary Tests in Rails
Jason Rogers
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ruby, rails, testing
Group success and failure test cases
Adam Yanalunas
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testing, objective-c, kiwi
Testing SOAP endpoints in Windows
Pure Krome
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testing, soap, wcf, visual-studio
The hidden benefit of test driven development
Austin Keeley
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testing, unit tests, java, test driven development
Sort minitest tests by duration
Peter Suschlik
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ruby, shell, testing, minitest
Which test #setup didn't call super (Ruby)?
Chris Continanza
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ruby, testing
Fast Rails tests /w TestUnit and Commands
Raphael Randschau
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rails, leahpar, testing, testunit
Load Testing With Siege
Vicent Gozalbes
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testing, load, siege
How to spy on JavaScript methods with Jasmine
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javascript, jasmine, testing, spec
Exceeding Maximum Open Files On OSX With Karma
Dallas Slieker
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nodejs, osx, testing, javascript