Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· splattael

Sort minitest tests by duration

TLDR; sort -t = -k 2 -g

Sometimes it's interesting to know which tests are fast and which are not.

Minitest allows you to display elapsed time of each test by passing -v flag.

Minitest's output

The output invoked with -v of minitest looks like:

CookiesTest#test_encrypted_cookie_using_marshal_serializer = 0.57 s = .
CookiesTest#test_encrypted_cookie_using_custom_digest = 0.58 s = .
CookiesTest#test_encrypted_cookie_using_default_serializer = 0.58 s = .
CookiesTest#test_encrypted_cookie_using_json_serializer = 0.58 s = .

The command to sort this output by its duration is

sort -t = -k 2 -g



rake test TESTOPTS=-v | sort -t = -k 2 -g

ruby -Ilib:test

ruby -Ilib:test ... -v | sort -t = -k 2 -g

As a bash function

I've aliased the sorting function to mt_sort so I can easily do

rake test TESTOPTS=-v | mt_sort