Popular Testing Programming Tips
Cleaning the database in-between Mocha tests with Pg-promise
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pg-promise, javascript, es6, mocha
Run Capybara-Webkit tests in Travis-CI
Adam Becker
5 responses
rails, testing, travis-ci, rspec
Better stubbing with mocha.
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Have Travis-CI test your Sphinx docs
Mike Fiedler
2 responses
sphinx, testing, travis, docs
A hidden gem: Google Chrome accounts
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
web, productivity, testing, google chrome
Testing multipart posts with cucumber-api-steps
Gabe Varela
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cucumber, testing
Expecting an exception in Jasmine-node
1 response
node, testing, bdd, coffeescript
Testing window.location with capybara
Fabrizio Regini
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cucumber, testing, backbone, javascript
Using an ad-hoc, in-memory HSQLDB for testing purposes in a Spring Roo application
Mattia Tommasone
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testing, database, spring, roo
Jasmine - Create multiple tests case with a set of data
Jerome Freyre
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javscript, testing, unit test, unit
Capybara select chosen field for rspec testing
Troy Martin
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rpsec, rails, capybara, testing
Safe stubbing with bogus
Paweł Pierzchała
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ruby, testing, bogus
Don't unit test third-party code
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testing, junit, unit testing
Embed a `main()` function in a C++ header file for testing
Alexander Böhn
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tdd, cplusplus, cpp, testing
stop using ab
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performance, testing
Integration testing Rake tasks
Michiel Sikkes
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rails, testing, rake, integration
Here's a node.js schema validator for MongoDB...
Dave Henderson
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nodejs, mongodb, testing, schema
git pre-commit hook - commit if all RSpec tests passed
Matjaz Muhic
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testing, tests, git, rspec
For lazy unit testers - running phpunit in a loop
Gjero Krsteski
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php, testing, phpunit
PHP-VCR: Integration with PHPUnit
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php, testing, integration tests, php-vcr
VCR and MiniTest: Automatic cassette management gem
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, rails, testing, spec
Use a rake task to describe your Test::Unit tests
Jeremy Baker
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Runs rspec tests in subdirectories
Łukasz Korecki
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ruby, tdd, zsh, testing
SimpleCov: prevent coverage drop
Hannes Georg
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ruby, tdd, testing
Stubbing async actions in Kiwi
Adam Yanalunas
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testing, ios, objective-c, kiwi