Popular Terminal Programming Tips
OSX ipython ctrl right / left navigation
Mayur Rokade
2 responses
python, shell, terminal, osx
Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Terminal
1 response
terminal, sublime, commandline
prefix command output in bash
Nick Jacob
1 response
terminal, command line, commands, bash
Want to reset iOS simulator from your terminal?
Thais Camilo
0 responses
terminal, ios simulator, rubymotion
git live-log bash script
xero harrison
0 responses
terminal, log, git, bash
Homebrew install specific version of a binary
Thibault Milan
0 responses
terminal, brew, version
The best terminal utility EVER.
John Riney
0 responses
terminal, os x, productivity, quake
Bash tab completion for the kill command
Patrik Henningsson
0 responses
terminal, osx, completion, bash
Quick and dirty stopwatch via the Mac Terminal (works on any *NIX system, Id guess)
Dominik Pich
2 responses
terminal, unix, stopwatch
NetCat for sending messages
Steven Nunez
0 responses
terminal, netcat, sharing
Unix: Syntax Highlighting for "less"
Ramy Nasr
0 responses
terminal, cli, unix, syntax highlighting
git permalink
Magnus Dahlstrand
0 responses
terminal, config, gitconfig, oneline
use command prompt like vim
Sandeep Ravichandran
0 responses
shell, terminal, vim, prompt
Whois from the Command Line
Ben Ackles
0 responses
Rails Bundle Install
Maynard Cabalitan
1 response
rails, terminal, bundle install
counting 0 byte files
Vinicius Quaiato
0 responses
terminal, files, bash
Delete whole words with ⌘+Backspace in iTerm2 on Mac
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
terminal, os x, iterm2, wojt-eu
Play sounds based on command result
Filippo Valsorda
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, sounds
External IP address from Terminal to clipboard
Pablo Dias
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, linux
Quickly Exit Vim
Abhishek Das
2 responses
terminal, vim, cli, ninja
Disconnect Dead SSH session
0 responses
ssh, unix, linux, ubuntu
OSX Terminal Tab Title
Michal Papis
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx
asciinema- a terminal recorder
Wesley Hill
0 responses
python, terminal, ascii, bash
A terminal clock that's easy to read from afar
Robert Böhnke
0 responses
terminal, oneliner, figlet, clock
Using colors in git terminal
Dan Jesus
2 responses
zsh, terminal, git, bash