Popular Terminal Programming Tips
Are you missing "sudo" on commands in terminal? Don't worry.
Mariz Melo
2 responses
shell, terminal, unix, tips
How to avoid merge errors
Mads Ulrik Svendsen
0 responses
terminal, linux, workflow, git
Vim text width and the console: 80 columns
Rob Jens
0 responses
console, terminal, vim, ide
How to take screenshot of the window without drop shadow in OS X
Rafal Bromirski
0 responses
terminal, osx, mac, os x
List directory with up to 8 millions files
0 responses
ls, terminal, find, list
Linux terminal/shell paused or stuck?
Duarte Aragão
0 responses
shell, terminal, vim, linux
Colorful json in terminal
Tymon Tobolski
2 responses
terminal, json
snippet to alias creating a Laravel project in terminal
Dave Townsend
0 responses
terminal, alias, laravel
Change your Terminal.app theme when sshing
Mario Uher
0 responses
zsh, terminal, ssh, os x
Color code your prompts
Davur S. Clementsen
0 responses
terminal, unix, dsclementsen, bash
How I keep my local WordPress install up-to-date
Baki Goxhaj
4 responses
terminal, git, bash, wordpress
Watch Star Wars - From Within Terminal...
Kraig Walker
1 response
terminal, osx, command line, telnet
Jump Between Words
Oscar Godson
3 responses
shell, terminal, shortcut, bash
Shortcut to copy string to clipboard via command line in osx
Oliver Petznick
1 response
shell, zsh, terminal, osx
Encrypt/decrypt a file on Mac/Linux
Pål Orby
0 responses
terminal, linux, mac, openssl
US international keyboard layout fedora 19
Jose Miguel
0 responses
terminal, keyboard, linux, fedora
Coffee-Colored Command Line
Sean Everett
1 response
terminal, coffee, style, bashrc
Ctrl-c and ctrl-v in terminal
3 responses
terminal, copy, xclip, paste
Git alias to easily create .gitignore file with gitignore.io
Russell Dempsey
0 responses
shell, terminal, aliases, gitignore
Unbind Ctrl+S in terminal
Artur Nowak
0 responses
shell, terminal
Grunt.js Watch Bus Error Caused By Maverick Upgrade
Stephen Tvedt
2 responses
terminal, workflow, error, bug fix
Terminal: (Ctrl+a) go to first of line, (Ctrl+e) end of line
Kien Pham
2 responses
terminal, shortcut
Permission Prob Fix with Nano
Eric Cavazos
1 response
shell, nano, terminal, linux
Watch Star Wars episode IV via telnet
Dafin Aziz
2 responses
telnet, star wars, animation, ascii
To disable Apple's Press-And-Hold in Terminal, e.g. Vim
Ain Tohvri
0 responses
shell, console, terminal, osx