Popular Terminal Programming Tips
Git in color
0 responses
terminal, commands, git
Rainbows & Stones 4 the Wealthy
Rok Fajfar
0 responses
ruby, terminal, awesome, output
Mac: Open File/Folder in Terminal from Finder
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
shell, terminal, mac, productivity
Renaming Git Origin
Andrew Cairns
0 responses
terminal, git, bash, github
ZSH: The most badass config
Eduardo Martines
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, config
git diff
Jake Bellacera
0 responses
terminal, unix, agile, fun
Open terminal from Sublime selected folder
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
sublime text, terminal, osx
Git Autocorrect
Frank Bültge
0 responses
console, terminal, git, setting
Tmux basic commands
2 responses
shell, terminal, tmux, linux
Enable colors in git console output
0 responses
console, terminal, git
bbcli - browse BBC News in the command line.
Wesley Hill
1 response
python, terminal, cli, unix
Fix SSH Timeouts on Linux
Michael Born
0 responses
terminal, linux, ssh
How to disable Mac OS X Dashboard
John Bohn
0 responses
terminal, dashboard, max os x
Don't see runserver python outputs in terminal!
Mohammad Taleb
0 responses
python, terminal, buffer, runserver
Batch rename based on a regulard expression in OS X
Alexander Woerndl
0 responses
terminal, osx, regular expression, batch rename
SSH to Speed-Up Wordpress & Joomla Migration
John jensen
0 responses
php, terminal, osx, joomla
git commit amend
Milos Dakic
0 responses
git, terminal, code, commit
MySQL Backup Script
Luke Madhanga
0 responses
shell, mysql, terminal, gzip
Awesome shortcuts for iTerm
David Leuliette
0 responses
terminal, osx, apple, unix
See the size of a directory in your terminal
Jack Weiss
0 responses
shell, terminal, command line, linux
Go "back" in bash
Oscar Godson
0 responses
shell, bash, terminal, shortcut
How to use multiple Github accounts in the same computer
Vinicius Souza
4 responses
terminal, osx, mac, github
Increase productivity with tmux
Akash Agrawal
0 responses
terminal, linux
Reporte Nmap para rastrear tu red
Gastón Nina
0 responses
terminal, nmap, ubuntu