Popular Swift Programming Tips
Customize navigation bar appearance with swift
eranga bandara
15 responses
swift, ios8, navigationbar, navigation-bar-appearace
IOS customized activity indicator with Swift
eranga bandara
6 responses
color, ios, uiview, swift
swift 4 current year, month, day
0 responses
swift, ios
Read a file in Swift
1 response
ios customise tabbar with UITabBarController and storyboad scene.
0 responses
ios, swift, tabbar
Preloading UIWebView or WKWebView in Swift
Arthur Chang
2 responses
ios, xcode, swift, webview
IOS UI colors with hex values in swfit
eranga bandara
1 response
color, ios, osx, swift
Swift: Create an array of numbers 1 to 100 and divide into odds and evens using partition()
Anthony Levings
0 responses
ios, xcode, algorithms, partition
Checking For Internet Connection Availability
Isuru Nanayakkara
2 responses
internet, connection, reachability, swift
forEach on an Array in Swift
Wim Haanstra
1 response
extension, swift
Simple XOR Encryption and Decryption in Swift (Playground Code)
Anthony Levings
1 response
xcode, utf-8, swift, xor
Some simple Swift Extensions (Strip HTML, RGB Color, Color invert, Dismiss modal segue)
Christian Weber
1 response
uicolor, programming, string, nsstring
Search mechanism in iOS 8
Eugene Mozharovsky
0 responses
swift, ios 8, ios programming, uisearchcontroller
Read File Contents - iOS & Swift
0 responses
ios, xcode, swift
Rendering html pdf report for printing from UIWebView
0 responses
pdf, printing, uiwebview, ios
HEX colors in Swift
Anthony Shabanov
2 responses
swift, ios, hex color
Passing struct in Swift
0 responses
RxSwift Learning Resources
Isuru Nanayakkara
0 responses
ios, swift, reactive programming, rxswift
Swift: A simple "Hello, World" example with UIAlertView
Juan Fernández Sagasti
1 response
xcode, uialertview, swift, ios
Accessing multiple BLE services and characteristics using RxBluetoothKit
1 response
ios, ble, swift, rxswift
Swift SpriteKit - Shake Screen Effect
Mihails Tumkins
0 responses
shake, swift, spritekit
I will show you all the source code of released iOS application!
0 responses
swift, xcode, ios
Beginning React--Native
Truong Hoang Dung
0 responses
ios, objectivec, swift, reactjs
Increasing the tap area of a UIButton
Roland Leth
0 responses
ios, swift