Popular Sublime Text Programming Tips

Markdown syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

Jupiter St John
0 responses · sublime text, markdown, syntax highlighting, color scheme

grep -nr <x> <folder>

Marc Kuo
1 response · shell, sublime text, linux, ide

Scroll past end in sublime Text 2

Willem van der Jagt
4 responses · sublime text, sublime, sublime text 2, st2

Theme Netbeans to look like Sublime

Vinay Raghu
0 responses · sublime text, netbeans, themes, color themes

Use SublimeGit for quick frequent commits

Mark Wales
0 responses · sublime text, workflow, version control, git

Syntax highlighting for .dotfiles in Sublime Text 2

Jupiter St John
0 responses · sublime text, dotfiles, syntax highlighting, sublime package manager
Displaying tips 26 - 50 of 120 in total