Newest Shell Programming Tips
Select & Install python versions easily with fzf + pyenv
James Cuzella
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python, pyenv, fzf, fuzzy-find
Apply timeout on your bash code
Michael Bacci
0 responses
bash, shell, scripting, timeout
Delete all the unused data accumulated by Docker easily
0 responses
docker, shell, cli
Productivity: Pomodoro technique with cli
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shell, pomorodo, productivity
Get your ip address
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bash, shell, linux
Git - Create a branch from today's date
Dimitrios Mistriotis
0 responses
git, shell, branch
Pipes and streams in Linux
Arnold Daniels
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bash, linux, command line, shell
Testing Bash scripts
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shell, bash, testing
Copy windows command content using CLIP
0 responses
windows, windows cmd, command prompt, shell
Bash: Function to remove last-typed command from history
Caleb Evans
0 responses
bash, shell, productivity, terminal
Basic script template for every bash script
0 responses
shell, bash
Create Dir, Cd to it and Git Init
Nathaniel Offer
0 responses
shell, fish, cd, mkdir
Quickly activate your python env
0 responses
python, shell
Recursively download files from a HTTP directory
Diego Ponciano
1 response
shell, wget, http
Remove dangling (unreferenced) images in Docker
0 responses
docker, shell, fish
Vagrant + puPHPet provision shell scripts execution order
Andrea Collet
0 responses
vagrant, puphpet, shell
Remove git branch locally and on remote
Dawson Botsford
2 responses
shell, sh, linux, unix
Exporting a folder to a separate Git repository
Héctor Gómez
0 responses
git, repository, shell, decoupling
Sort a list of dates in U.S. expanded form (e.g., Tuesday, August 23, 2016)
0 responses
cli, shell, unix, sort
Remove all files in current directory other than x day
James Duncombe
0 responses
sysadmin, shell
Be faster with your fingers at home row
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, productivity
List all of your aliases with one meta-alias
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell