Popular Ruby Programming Tips
Inconsistent Color Palettes
Alyssa Pohahau
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Rails 3.2 error handling with exceptions_app
Jeroen Rosenberg
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Installing Ruby on OS X 10.9 Mavericks using Rbenv
Attila Györffy
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How to display action text when content contains the broken image
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Using RVM the right way (and never typing "bundle exec" again)...
Jon Frisby
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ActiveRecord UNION hack
Javier Toledo
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ruby, rails
Rails console equivalent for Sinatra
Matthew Riddle
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Use Rails 4 secrets.yml for database config
Nathan Hopkins
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Turn a new line(\n) into a <\br> tag with Ruby
Chase Gilliam
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Bypassing SSL certificate checks during gem installation
Dharampal H S
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Embedding and Styling Inline SVG Documents With CSS in Rails
James Martin
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Install rmagick gem on latest imagemagick.
Pavel Pravosud
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Inhibit warnings in Cocoapods
Marin Usalj
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cattr_accessor vs class_attribute
Aleksey Magusev
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ruby, rails
Elegantly check for boolean type in rails
Allan Smith
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Only precompile assets when necessary (Rails 4, Capistrano 3)
Andrew Thal
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Do not confuse "disabled" input option with "readonly" one
Aleksey Magusev
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Ruby: Convert string to class
Matthew Riddle
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ruby, rails
Easy way to create gemset per project using RVM
Robbie Marcelo
1 response
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Redirect to back or default in Rails
Marko Klemetti
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Getting Ruby scripts working with bundler, rvm and cron
Daniel Schmidt
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Background daemons in your Rails app with the daemons gem
Jeroen Jacobs
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Recode Windows-1252 characters as UTF-8
Marcello Barnaba
1 response
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How to make homework more fun, MATLAB to Ruby
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