Newest Reg Exp Programming Tips
Temporary 503 in HTAccess
0 responses
htaccess, 503, regexp, regex
Regexp: how to validate a UK Postcode
Jean-Rémy Duboc
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regexp, postcode, perl, php
RegExp for checking clases
Eric Kinzel
2 responses
string, regexp, class, jquery
Useful regular expressions to update to Bootstrap 3
Michaël Perrin
1 response
bootstrap, symfony, twitter bootstrap, regexp
Regex for searching dynamically created I18n keys in Rails
Alex Popov
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rails, sublime-text, regexp, i18n
Remove color codes from a file to view it in a text editor
Alex Popov
0 responses
sublime text, regular expression, colors, regexp
Positive lookbehind and lookahead in Sublime Text 2
Alex Popov
0 responses
regex, search, sublime text 2, regexp
Matching regexps directly in bash
Knut Haugen
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bash, regexp
updating PATH with ansible - system wide
Ali-Akber Saifee
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python, nodejs, regexp, ubuntu
Ruby Symbol#match is actually String#=~
Titov Andrey
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ruby, string, regexp, match
Find files on Linux with... find
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regex, find, linux, regexp
Peter Jah
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regexp, javascript, comma
Improve your regexp skill in a sudoku like crossword
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game, regexp, puzzle
Commonly used Android reg exp
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android, regular expression, regexp - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
1 response
jquery, ruby, php, python
Convert SQL `LIKE` wildcards to Ruby RegExp
Emmanuel Bourgerie
3 responses
ruby, sql, regexp, wildcard
Validate full_name
Amr Tamimi
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ruby, rails, regexp
Search email message by title
Alex Lushpai
0 responses
ruby, snippet, regexp
WordWrap with Scala
Pierre Andrews
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scala, regexp, wordwrap
Delimiter @ for replacers
Shairon Toledo
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sed, vi, awk, regexp
Convert old ruby hash syntax to the new one
Rodrigo Kochenburger
0 responses
ruby, regexp
Get Vim to Surround Lines
Guillaume VanderEst
0 responses
vim, regular expression, replace, tag
Remove non printable characters in a ruby string
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
ruby, string, regexp