Popular Rails Programming Tips
Install and deploy Spree to Heroku
Arnoldo Rodriguez
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heroku, spree
get gravatar image with options using ruby simple function
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, gravatar
Set up Rails dev env in OS 10.8 Mountain Lion
Bruno Valentino
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ruby, rails, os x, rvm
Run SocketStream on Heroku
Paul Jensen
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heroku, nodejs, socketstream, engine.io
Enable Heroku Postgresql autovacuum
Rafael Souza
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heroku, postgresql
Generate and save routes into a text file each time they change
Alex G
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rails, guard, routes
Rails migration status
Amy Lai
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rails, migrations
Lottery Drawing SQL, Rails scope :)
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activerecord, sql, schema, db
PJAX still requesting full pages?
0 responses
rails, pjax, coffee script
ActiveAdmin: Define overwritable resource inside an engine
Jim Smith
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ruby, rails, activeadmin
Open letter_opener mails on your browser
Fabio Rehm
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ruby, rails
Simple Dark Features in Rails
Bryan Mikaelian
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rails, dark features
Indexing Class with UUID Primary Key with Sunspot Solr on Ruby on Rails
Chard Gonzales
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rails, uuid, indexing, sunspot_rails
Rendering partial with a layout
David Morrow
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ruby, rails
Rails3 + ThinReports + thinreports-rails
Katsuya Hidaka
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rails, pdf, thinreports, reporting
Collaborate better with fixtures
Michiel Sikkes
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ruby, rails, testing, fixtures
Offline Template Renderer for Rails Rake Tasks or Background Worker
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails, rake, offline
Carrierwave-Rails start a download without iframe/javascript hacks
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, download, files, javascript
Helpful Rails API Snippet
Aaron Miler
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rails, api
Mercury Editor
Daniel Leidisch
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rails, wysiwyg, editor, html5
demodulize method
0 responses
ruby, rails
Random record for all ActiveRecord model.
1 response
ruby, rails, activerecord
Moving your Heroku app with MongoLabs to another region
Erik Wendel
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heroku, migrate, region, mongolab
Rails N+1 with nested has_many
Bryan Mikaelian
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ruby, rails, activerecord