Popular Rails Programming Tips
Use Types in Rails for custom model validations
Alex Frank
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Regenerate thumbnails for paperclip
Boris Barroso
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Put EmberJS controllers/models/views in Rails' app/* folders
Ben Burton
1 response
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Creating a rails application with an older version of rails
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Be careful with params.merge()
Sven Pachnit
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Suspend rails console for quick shell access
Martin Svalin
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Using paperclip with mongomapper
Sylvain Niles
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Paperclip amazon s3 serve html files.
Alexandr Korsak
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script/setup script for your app
Michiel Sikkes
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Rails development environment using rbenv+ruby-build+bundler
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Using multiple layouts with Rails assets pipeline
Pablo Torrecilla
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rails, rails 4, assets. layouts
Rails migration VERSION fetcher
Ben Simpson
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simple_form: Dynamically disabled inputs based on Pundit policy
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Humanize currency
Gus Bonfant
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Create “Upcoming birthdays” query in Rails and PostgreSQL?
David Paluy
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How I made a MultiView toggle class in Coffeescript with TDD
Cristian Andrei
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Rails: How to Override default_scope?
Sebastian Muszyński
2 responses
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IRB with syntax highlighting and much more. Pry it out!
Jeroen Rosenberg
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A foundation5 split button helper for ruby
Moisés Viloria
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Ruby on Rails: Directly add an index to a column when generating a migration
Yannis Jaquet
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Rebase a rails project after long time running
Leon Guan
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Use a RAM Disk for Rails Temp Folder
Stan Carver II
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Rails Layouts and Inheritance
Bryan Mikaelian
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ruby, rails, controllers
Rails+Angular+Slim templates
Sergio Brocos
0 responses
rails, templates, slim, angular.js
Make your RSpec codes HALF. Introduction of RSpecZ extending RSpec for reviewers and developers.
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