Popular Rails Programming Tips
Transfer a Mongolab Heroku DB to your local MongoDB
Raúl Raja
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shell, heroku, mongodb, mongolab
Creating and overriding .rvmrc
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, shell, rails, rvm
Using ShouldaMatchers#permit To Ensure Your Controller Parameters Get Passed
Bruce Park
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Precompile assets locally Rails
Denis Savitskiy
0 responses
rails, assets, precompile, asset pipeline
Convert Ruby 1.8 style hash rockets to Ruby 1.9 hashes in Vim
Ryan Rix
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ruby, rails, vim, ruby 1.9
Accessing ActiveRecord DB column options
Bill Agee
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Testing subdirectory rails app with capybara
Titov Andrey
1 response
rails, testing, capybara, subdirectory
Creating a HTTP Server with ruby in 7 LOC
Emad Elsaid
4 responses
ruby, rails, http, server
ack, .ackrc, rails
0 responses
rails, search, ack
Setting up CURD interface to model which has devise setup
phanindra srungavarapu
0 responses
rails, devise, curd
Add a gem with some extra info to your Gemfile
Jelle Vandebeeck
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ruby, gem, rails, gemfile
Standardize your strftime calls
Cody Palmer
2 responses
ruby, rails
How to manage remote Heroku Postgres DB
Andrej Dragisic
0 responses
heroku, postgres, postgresql
Install a yanked gem for Rails Project
Allen Chun
0 responses
rails, ruby gems, yanked gem
Learning Ruby? do it while learning TDD!
Cesar Palafox
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ruby, tdd, rails, cucumber
Use pry as your default Rails 4 console in one line
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ruby, rails, pry, rails 4
Mac OS X 10.8 Error installing Ruby Gems
0 responses
ruby, rails, gems, osx
Running Multiple Gods on your Server
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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rails, hack, tip, god
Programming language colors Github
Cassio Cabral
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ruby, css, rails, colors
Strong Parameters the Right Way
Ezequiel Delpero
3 responses
ruby, gems, ror, patterns
iTerm2 marks and notes
Vlad Shvedov
0 responses
ruby, rails, console, debugging
Gems providing assets must be in Gemfile
Parker Morse
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bundler, rails, asset_pipeline
XSRF protection using Rails and AngularJS
Federico Baña
0 responses
rails, angularjs, csrf, xsrf
Text-to-Speech Heroku Notifications
Hartley Brody
0 responses
heroku, mac