Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· cassioscabral

Programming language colors Github

<% require 'yaml' %>
<% languages = YAML.load_file('config/languages.yml') %>
<% languages.each do |l| %>
  <% color = l[1]["color"] %>
  <% programming_language = l[0]"#", "").gsub("++", "pp").gsub(" ", "-") %>
  <% if color.present? %>
    <%= ".#{programming_language}-color {" %>
          background: <%= color %>;
    <%= "}" %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

I used Linguist languages.yml
to get all colors used on Github.

In my Rails app, inside a scss.erb I used this script above to get all colours and create classes to each one of them. To be more efficient after created once I got the css generated, removed the comments lines with sublime replace all with a Regex(expression == /*(.)*/)

The easy solution: Css with all the classes and their colors; I used background, but you could change in the script to match your requirements.

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