Newest Rails Programming Tips
Reversible migration in Rails 4
David Paluy
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rails, migraion
How to define fabricators of models with polymorphic associations
Alex Popov
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rails, activerecord, gem, assocations
Reloading RVM with a trick
Ruurd Pels
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ruby, rails, rvm, reloading
You have already activated spring 1.3.4, but your Gemfile requires spring 1.3.3... when you try to generate a model
Gustavo Leon
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bundler, rails, spring, model
Heroku toolbelt problem
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heroku, heroku cli, heroku toolbelt
excellent read on implementing workers with threads
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rails, threads, workers
Script to rename all deprecated .css.sass files to .sass
Christopher Curtis
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rails, sass, scss, sprockets
Active Record Attribute Serialization with Custom Class
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, rails, activerecord, serialization
Set Pow http_proxy and https_proxy configuration
Wesley Conde
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ruby, rails, pow
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, permissions, nginx, unicorn
List Tables to Rails 2.3.*
Wesley Conde
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ruby, activerecord, rails
Adding placeholder for chosen multi-select using Ruby on Rails
Allen Chun
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rails, javascript, chosen
Inline content_for blocks
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Helper method to check validation errors
Andrew Volozhanin
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ruby, rails, validation
Running a Rake task during a Rails 4 deployment using Capistrano 3
Saul Costa
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rails, capistrano, rake, deploy
Never use ActiveRecord's last
Peter Boling
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rails, activerecord, last, explosions
Multiple file upload with postgres and arrierwave
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ruby, rails, postgres, carrierwave
RailsAdmin and ActiveSupport::Concern
Julio Betta
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ruby, rails, activesupport, concern
Migrating Rails Application Data from sqlite3 to PostgreSQL
Evgeny Lapin
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rails, postgresql, sqlite3, data migration
Secure Tokens From Rails 5 to Rails 4.x and 3.x
Roberto Miranda
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ruby, rails, gem, backport
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3
Djalma Araújo
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ruby, rails, osx, rvm
Quickly find elasticsearch version with tire gem
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rails, elasticsearch
Install pg gem with
David Paluy
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rails, gem, pg,