Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Replace :key => with key: using vim
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, vim
Randomise variables for testing
Adam Bird
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ruby, test, spec
Big integers in Ruby
Vlad Shvedov
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ruby, integer
The best HTTP gem - 'rest'
Travis Reeder
1 response
ruby, gem
Coderetreat schedule (español)
Javier Cervantes
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ruby, coderetreat, mexico
SOLID Design Principles by Gregory Brown
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, solid
Ruby 1.8 style hash -> Ruby 1.9 style hash
Amiel Martin
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ruby, sublime text 2, hash, ruby-1.9
Prevent private Gem being pushed to RubyGems (Bundler)
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Compare HTTP libs by feature
craig t smith
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ruby, http, link
Faster test suites in Ruby on Rails
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ruby, tdd, rails, ci
Faster Rails-Application start
Michael Koriath
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ruby, rails, capistrano
Vim: make ",," an abbreviation for "=>"
David Golden
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ruby, perl, vim
How to launch bundle from a script run under bundle exec
Arnaud Meuret
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ruby, bundler
Using devise
HengHong Lee
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ruby, rails, on
Avoiding some parameters - [Small RoR tip #1]
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ruby, rails, tip, ror
Ruby inherited method bug
Dmitry Vorotilin
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ruby, rails
Sending e-mails in Rails using the google API
Arthur Henrique Guimarães
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ruby, google, rails, mail
Ruby on StackOverflow
Ismael Abreu
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ruby, rails