Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Run a script before invoking IRb
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ruby, irb
Inconsistent Color Palettes
Tiago Almeida
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ruby, css, color, script
The Ruby GC explained by _why
Michael Kohl
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ruby, tips, _why
Exceptional global variables
Hrvoje Šimić
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ruby, exceptions
Painful Ruby 2.0 install on OSX
Mike Niyonkuru
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ruby, osx, install, 2.0
Download all messages between you and a friend from facebook
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, facebook
Ruby: at_exit
Aldric Giacomoni
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ruby, at_exit
Readable booleans
Alexander Zaytsev
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ruby, rails
Faster test suite boot times with Ruby on Rails
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ruby, rails, testing, software testing
Print all your facebok liked pages names, URLs and when did you like it
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, facebook
Extracting Controller Behaviours
Yonatan Bergman
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ruby, rails, controller, srp
Error: No such file found .../hstore.control in postgreSQL
Twinkle savani
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ruby, prostgresql
Install rmagick on win7x64
Katsuya Hidaka
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ruby, rmagick
Retry a subset of failed jobs in Resque 1.x
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ruby, rails
How to comment a block in python and Ruby ?
Bolo Michelin
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ruby, python
Requiring ruby gems and failing with a user friendly exception
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ruby, rubygems, gems, ruby gems
Smart & Simple gem bumper
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ruby, gems
rails helper methods to load lorempixel.com images
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ruby, rails, image, metaprogramming
Badass Tool - Find bad code by parsing Airbrake error log
Kenny Ma
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ruby, airbrake