Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· blazeeboy

Print all your facebok liked pages names, URLs and when did you like it

this is pretty easy, facebook provide us with all your likes
and when did you like it, the simple problem is it provide it
as pages so iterate till you get all pages.

Facebook API docs says that each page object has a link attribute
i thought that was the page link on facebook, then i found that it
was always empty, so i formed the URL using the page ID as :

this script was done for a simple purpose, facebook had an issue yesterday
lots of mages are created in 18th with likes over 700K so i suspected that
this is a copy/merge, so i had to write thsi script to get all my pages and
another friend pages to see which page is doing that thing.

unforunatily we still didn't figure it out :D


Written by Emad Elsaid

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