Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Simple Email Regex
Brandon Hansen
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ruby, regex, regular expressions
Ruby easy arrays
Mariz Melo
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ruby, arrays
Find broken images in your html source
Eduardo Garibay-Frausto
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Declarative Authorization Attribute Check
Dustin Hoffman
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ruby, rails, gem, access control
Load and parse JSON file in Rhodes
Stephen Benner
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Return has_many association's field as an array
Leon Guan
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ruby, rails, ror
Tagging in Git with Ruby
Romain Laurent
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ruby, git
Update a single gem of your Gemfile without dependencies
Johannes Opper
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petl - Pretty good ETL framework
Alexander Tamoykin
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ruby, gem, transform, etl
Code school or Conferences?
Clark Nelson
1 response
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Install REE with rvm on Mountain Lion
Michał Szajbe
0 responses
rvm, mountain lion, ree
Get Time in Any Time Zone
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, tip, time zones
Active Admin solution for ForbiddenAttributes
Ahmed Nadar
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ruby, rails, active_admin
Nested ruby hashes w/o needing ||=
James Brooks
0 responses
ruby, hash
Different repositories on Capistrano
Boris Quiroz
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ruby, capistrano, devops, repository
Learn the collection specific methods
Chris Patuzzo
0 responses
ruby, collections, refactoring, enumerable
Get traces info while minitest running
Arthur Nogueira Neves
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ruby, minitest
Bundler and outdated Ruby gems <3
Tadej Murovec
0 responses
ruby, bundler, gem, outdated
Creating "gem install" commands from a given "gem list" output
Philipp Haußleiter
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ruby, gem, tools, command
Patch to allow Awesome Print gem to work nicely with OpenStructs
Andrew Burns
0 responses
ruby, awesome_print, openstruct
Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber
0 responses
ruby, tdd, cucumber, test-driven development
Create a random account id for a user
Jordan Trevino
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, random