Newest R Uby Programming Tips
Record remote desktop using VNC and vncrec gem.
Andrew D
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ruby, ffmpeg, vnc, remote-desktop
Programming language colors Github
Cassio Cabral
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ruby, css, rails, colors
Retry a subset of failed jobs in Resque 1.x
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ruby, rails
Rohit Paul Kuruvilla
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ruby, python, shell
Setting up a great team, Rails and Bower
José Ney Guerrero
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ruby, rails, assets, bower
Useful Rake task to restart database and import SQL dump
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ruby, rails, rake, postgresql
ActiveRecord search within a concatenation of to fields using an incomplete query
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ruby, rails, activerecord, sql
Mailing in staging environment
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ruby, rails, staging, mail
Convert a complex nested hash to an object
4 responses
ruby, json, hash, object
Ancestors of a Ruby class
Chad Ostrowski
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ruby, debugging
Just ruby code that prints itself
Vinicius Correa
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ruby, reflection, chicken and eggs
Ruby on Rails Interview questions
Rohit Trivedi
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ruby, rails, ruby interview questions, rails interview questions
Vagrant + Chef solo quick start
Viktor Leonets
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ruby, vagrant, chef solo
Capybara access new window
Kirill Shaplyko
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ruby, tdd, cucumber, bdd
Get the sum of all digits in a number
Michel Billard
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ruby, numbers, sum
Multichannel Push Notification w/Parse and parse-ruby-client
Sebastián González
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ruby, parse, rails, parse-ruby-client
Recursive Hash Reduce, merging hashes while summing its values.
Lucas Neves Martins
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ruby, hash, reduce, sum
Spring error with `uninitialized constant Spring::SID::DL (NameError)`
Kirill Shaplyko
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ruby, spring, rbenv
Gem debugger install error ruby
Kirill Shaplyko
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ruby, debugger, byebug
RVM, REE and Yosemite
Khaled alHabache
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ruby, ree, yosemite
Inline SVG Gem
James Martin
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ruby, css, rails, gem
How to reload module without relaunch rails console.
0 responses
ruby, rails