Newest R Uby Programming Tips
RSpec: compare rendered text like HTML or XML in view specs
Mathias Gawlista
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ruby, tdd, rails, rspec
Installing old gem version with Ruby 1.8.7
Carlos Suarez Fontalvo
1 response
ruby, gem, install, fpm
Rubygems SSL Fix (windows)
Tom Cox
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ruby, rails, rubygems
Slim operations instead code mess by using Light operations
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ruby, rails, gems
Use & some bash to get current Ruby Gem version number
Michael Parenteau
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ruby, gems, osx, bash
Opal (the Ruby to Javascript compiler) and Meteor
Massimo Ronca
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ruby, javascript, opal, meteorjs
Writing Custom Tasks for Capistrano 3
Tácio Nery
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ruby, rails, capistrano, rake
Show SQL statements in log in Rails 2.3
Chad Ostrowski
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ruby, rails
Method naming tip: Keep implementation details out.
Gavin Morrice
2 responses
ruby, rails, best practices, conventions
Sync Local and Production MongoDB Data
Sheharyar Naseer
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ruby, shell, heroku, unix
Time functions in PostgreSQL
Denis Savitskiy
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ruby, sql, time, date
Thinking idiomatically with Rails queries
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ruby, rails, query, dhh-is-my-dj
ChronoLogger logging is 1.5x faster than ruby's stdlib Logger
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rails, logger, ruby
Elegantly check for boolean type in rails
Allan Smith
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ruby, rails, class, boolean
Rails 4 - How to use method_missing and action_missing as allies
Camilo Zambrano
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ruby, dynamic, methods, method
Remote private gem/repository - git subtree
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ruby, git
install rmagick '2.13.2' gem - checking for Magick-config... no
Blair Anderson
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ruby, rails, imagemagick, rmagick
Enhance your terminal prompt to show current Ruby version
Stephen Benner
1 response
ruby, shell, terminal, trick
Fix Hours
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, hour
SSL Versions
Cassio Cabral
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ruby, http, net
Rails Routing URLs Anywhere
Ryan McGeary
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ruby, rails, routes
Prevent private Gem being pushed to RubyGems (Bundler)
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Ruby gsub with a hash or block
Amy Lai
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ruby, gsub