Popular Power Shell Programming Tips
Simple Powershell script to build a solution using Mono & Xbuild
Jorge Medina
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powershell, mono, xbuild
Find dupe files
Matt Talley
0 responses
Don't write-host in the Powershell.Exited event
Alistair Young
0 responses
powershell, powershell ise
Attribute editing en mass- Active Directory
Aaron Trentacosta
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powershell, windows
Get a list of installed Windows programs
James Barnett
0 responses
Download Latest WP in PowerShell
Joshua Dorenkamp
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powershell, wordpress
Script to test Sql Server Connection
David Wimbley
0 responses
powershell, sql
Use PowerShell to grab a CoderWall users profile
Doug Finke
0 responses
powershell, json
Refactoring build script on Psake
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, psake
Another PS script to host a .NET 4.x app using Mono/XSP
Jorge Medina
0 responses
powershell, mono, xsp
Run Psake tasks on TeamCity
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, nuget, teamcity, psake
Update all Nuget packages in a solution matched by name
Julien Roncaglia
0 responses
powershell, nuget, .net
Create a link to a folder in PowerShell
0 responses
powershell, enviroment
Power Shell 3.0
Michael Dominick
1 response
powershell, git, windows
Powershell script for nginx log rotate
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
powershell, nginx
Powershell - Set Search Site Collection Settings
Cameron Verhelst
0 responses
powershell, search, sharepoint, settings
That annoying Powershell behavior...
0 responses
powershell, foreach
Add a variable in powershell for hosts file
Juan Pablo Prado
0 responses
powershell, hosts, windows 8, windows
Exchange Trusted Subservice
Justin Maynard
0 responses
powershell, exchange
Restart windows services using a wild card
Dave Savage
0 responses
powershell, services
Powershell: The Not So Obvious
Carlo Wahlstedt
0 responses
Filtering install commands from npm audit in Powershell
Darren Hickling
0 responses
npm, powershell, audit
Script to add <auto-generated> to generated files
0 responses