Newest Php Programming Tips
Sanitization is Key
Richard Clifford
0 responses
php, mysql, sanitization, user
Logic, Logic, Logic
Richard Clifford
0 responses
programming, logic, sanitization, javascript
Find similar functions between different programing languages
Mariz Melo
0 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
Sphinx Search
Dave Chenault
0 responses
php, mysql, sphinx, search
How to correctly test if the url is under HTTPS with PHP
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
1 response
php, test, apache, https
You have to have standards!
Adam Barrett
0 responses
php, standards, psr-0, psr-1
Timezones in PHP
Adam Barrett
0 responses
php, dates, timezones
Timezones in PHP are quite easy
Rowan Lewis
0 responses
php, time, date, datetime
Programming Beginnings: FTP Madness
Félix Saparelli
0 responses
php, beginnings, windows
Input multiple checkboxes to MySQL
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
php, mysql, form
Frameworks save time, usually.
Adam Barrett
3 responses
php, frameworks, suggestions
Implementing a Doctrine2 naming strategy in Symfony2
Dom Udall
0 responses
php, doctrine, doctrine2, symfony2
Sort something in PHP
Evan Harrison
0 responses
php, uksort
CodeIgniter RSS Parser
Haso Keric
0 responses
php, codeigniter, rss
Better documentation for PHP, Python, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, and DOM
Mariz Melo
18 responses
php, python, css, html
Run MAMP's PHP from cmd line
Ashley Banks
0 responses
php, mamp
The Holy Grail of PHP
Nathan Malcolm
2 responses
php, open source, thinking, manual
A simple RESTful client in PHP
Michael Dyrynda
0 responses
php, rest, phpfog, trakt
Dynamic Constants in Codeigniter 2.1.2
0 responses
php, mysql, codeigniter, ci
Administration Location
0 responses
php, python, security
PHP Behavior Driven Development
Samuel Merlet
0 responses
php, bdd, behat, mink
Convert single SVG files to font using SVG-Icon-Font-Generator
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
php, font, svg, icon-font
Scripting languages syntaxes compared
Alexandru G.
0 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
Great PHP DB Classes
Paul H.
0 responses
php, open source, mybb, databases