Newest Php Programming Tips
Getting CSV data from a string
David North
0 responses
php, csv
Parse info from an unlimited amount of Tumblr blogs - PHP
Travis Nischuk
0 responses
php, mysql, tumblr, xml
Faster Ajax For WordPress
raz ohad
12 responses
php, ajax, wordpress
Simple Function to check for post type
raz ohad
1 response
php, custom post types, wordpress
How to send files via cURL in PHP
David North
6 responses
php, curl
Composer - generate namespaces without installing/updating
Steffan Harries
1 response
php, symfony, packagist, composer
Essential PHP command-line options
Oliver Montes
0 responses
php, shell, linux
Add Custom Post Types to the feed
0 responses
php, wordpress
How to write a Piwik Plugin
Fabian Becker
0 responses
php, plugin, analytics, piwik
Install Magento Modules with Composer
Daniel Fahlke
0 responses
php, magento, composer
Debugging with XDebug and PhpStorm on MacOS X
Abu Ashraf Masnun
0 responses
php, osx, mac, xdebug
Using annotations in PHP with Doctrine Annotation Reader
Abu Ashraf Masnun
0 responses
php, doctrine, annotation
Discover the power of NewRelic
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
ruby, php, .net, security
CSS = LESS + Optimization + Minification
Alonso Mendez
0 responses
php, css, css optimization, css minification
Reverse words in a sentence - PHP
Joanna Ong
4 responses
php, reverse words
Call current controller / method in CodeIgniter dynamically
Pedro Luz
0 responses
php, codeigniter
call the model method in cakephp
Ryota Mochizuki
2 responses
php, cakephp
PHP count() is very slow.
Daniel Pepin
1 response
php, array
SSH to Speed-Up Wordpress & Joomla Migration
John jensen
0 responses
php, terminal, osx, joomla
Case Insensitive Array search in PHP
David North
0 responses
php, array, case-insensitive
Mirror Symfony2 Dependencies
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, broker, symfony2
Store PHP Session variables in database rather than filesystem
Dave Chenault
1 response
php, database, load balancing, sessions
Take a photo of yourself every time you commit by php
Ryota Mochizuki
0 responses
php, osx, git