Popular Npm Programming Tips
Complete NPM integration for Meteor
Arunoda Susiripala
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npm, meteor
Making node.js native modules compile on Windows
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nodejs, npm, windows, node-gyp
Browsing JSON interactively with CLI
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cli, json, npm, nodejs
How to switch test environment in Heroku
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heroku, nodejs, npm
Lean diffs for browser-based text editors
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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npm, javascript, nodejs, web development
Strategy for selecting NodeJS module
Avner Cohen
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nodejs, npm, javascript, github
zsh: get npm version of package
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shell, zsh, node, npm
Upgrading node.js from within NPM
Ricardo Magalhães
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node, npm, javascript, nodejs
How to install projects from GitHub using NPM
Christoffer Niska
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npm, install, tarball, github
Auto-completes the npm executables in ZSH
Xavier Cambar
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shell, zsh, npm, nodejs
Christmas messages in Node.js with npm
James Allardice
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nodejs, npm
A better Node.js cartridge for OpenShift
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
0 responses
nodejs, javascript, npm, cloud
Easy deployment to Gemfury for NPM modules
Daniel Durante
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nodejs, npm, makefile, package.json
Transfer/Add a new owner to a NPM Package
Djalma Araújo
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npm, package, owner
Fix NPM install issues
James R Qualls
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expressjs, npm, nodejs
Upgrade Node.js via NPM
Hans Jakob Emmel
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nodejs, npm, upgrade
Get npmjs verbose logs back
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npm, node, npmjs
Node and Npm on Windows
Willian Duarte de Andrade
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npm, command-line, windows, nodejs
Load All Grunt Tasks
Irakli Nadareishvili
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npm, grunt, javascript
Upgrade Node.js via NPM
Evan Rowe
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nodejs, node, npm, upgrade
Require() local files as if they were global
Pawel Maciejewski
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nodejs, js, npm, javascript
Bookmarklet to open package's npm link
0 responses
npm, bookmarklet, npmsearch, npmjs
One does not simply use peerDependencies.
Douglas Duteil
0 responses
node, js, npm, peerdependencies.