Popular Java Script Programming Tips
Jquery CDN fallback
Mariz Melo
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jquery, cdn, javascript
Polymer: next-generation web application framework
Marco Trulla
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google, framework, webdev, javascript
Re-fire one-shot events in Batman.js
Adam Yanalunas
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batman.js, coffee-script, javascript
Javascript Hoisting
Tiago Garcia
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javascript, hoisting
call and apply in JavaScript
Steven Iseki
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jsig - precise & concise JavaScript signature notation
Jason Denizac
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documentation, javascript, notation
Declaring variables inline (a better way)
Ion D. Filho
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.net, csharp, debugging, js
Testing jQuery Plugins Cross-Version with Grunt
Mark Dalgleish
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jquery, testing, plugin, qunit
Make bootstrap from develop
Marcos Hernández
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css, html, gist, twitter bootstrap
Getting into Ruby on Rails?
Avner Cohen
3 responses
ruby, rails, html, javascript
Comparing Javascript Date Objects
0 responses
date, javascript
Simple page inject for JQuery Mobile and Rails Partials
Nick Treadway
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rails, mobile, jquery
Build Android with Javascript
Antonin Januska
4 responses
android, backbone, knockout, javascript
lungo - correct use of footers
Oliver Tupman
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javascript, lungojs
How to Build a Mobile Web App with Webix
Veronika Lindorenko
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tutorial, mobile app, javascript
Detect Mobile with Javascript
Oyewumi Abayomi
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mobile, javascript, mobile detect
Stephen Young
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micro, dependency injection, javascript
Bring a robot
Kerry Snyder
3 responses
node, json, npm, modules
Extract Postal Addresses from Web Pages, in the browser
Peter Sergeant
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sheriff, dom, javascript, nodejs
JavaScript Cooltricks: String Magic
Brian Blocker
0 responses
string, magic, javascript, not exactly polymorphism
Using jquery global ajax for spinner and stuff
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jquery, bootstrap, spinner, loader gif
Bind css refresh to custom key shortcut in chrome
Kasper Mikiewicz
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css, chrome, js, reload
Export your Mixpanel data with a Javascript
Mike Carter
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library, api, dashboard, lean
Selenium IDE: check if all links have text
Santiago Aparicio García
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selenium, javascript
TIP: $0 will save your debugging time
Alexander Kneller
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chrome, debugging, js, devtools