Popular J Query Programming Tips
Jquery CDN fallback
Mariz Melo
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jquery, cdn, javascript
Simple page inject for JQuery Mobile and Rails Partials
Nick Treadway
0 responses
rails, mobile, jquery
Testing jQuery Plugins Cross-Version with Grunt
Mark Dalgleish
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jquery, testing, plugin, qunit
Using jquery global ajax for spinner and stuff
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jquery, bootstrap, spinner, loader gif
TIP: $0 will save your debugging time
Alexander Kneller
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chrome, debugging, js, devtools
Tips I wish I knew when first started to learn AngularJS
Paulo Griiettner
2 responses
jquery, angularjs, front end, javascript
DRY Ajax forms
Kasper Mikiewicz
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html, js, forms, jquery
What Stuck: FITC Web Performance & Optimization
Joanna Ong
0 responses
css, tools, front-end, event
History of jQuery
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Injectable Ligature Service Icons
Stephen Way
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html, font, jquery, javascript
Faster Twitter Bootstrap Mobile Navigation
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mobile, dropdown, twitter bootstrap, animation
Getting the display value for a select element
Michael Warkentin
1 response
select, html, javascript, jquery
Always close your comments
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
4 responses
js, jquery, javascript
Jquery parseJSON
Razvan Stan
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jquery, json
Verify if jQuery found an element
Ion D. Filho
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jquery, dom search
Resetting forms with jQuery
Mark Vaughn
0 responses
jquery, forms, javascript
Animate the Inanimate
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
jquery, animation, javascript
Stop spam emails from bots (without captcha)
Evgeny Kolyakov
2 responses
jquery, php, js, spam
Maps with Google Maps & MVC
Alan Roberto Pérez Hernández
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mvc, google maps, jquery, ajax
Native equivalents of jQuery functions
Jiew Meng
3 responses
performance, javascript, jquery
Fire event after typekit load
jay mabazza
1 response
jquery, css, fonts, adobe
HTML Input box to fire off some Javascript when the enter key is pressed
Pure Krome
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jquery, html, javascript
jQuery instead of Prototype in Rails 3
Sandeep Kumar
1 response
rails, rails 3, prototype, jquery