Popular Github Programming Tips
Use multiple deployment SSH keys with GitHub
Michał Szajbe
2 responses
ssh, capistrano, deployment, git
Dead easy iOS 5 Core Image filters
James Womack
0 responses
ipad, iphone, core image, instagram
Search for Files on GitHub
Tim Berglund
2 responses
file, search, github
.gitconfig に include で設定を読み込めるようになった
0 responses
gitconfig, git, github
Using Sublime Text 2 to insert/open/update Gist from Github.com
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
1 response
github, sublime text, gist
GitHub: add remote for pulls and merges
Saager Mhatre
5 responses
pull request, remote, git, github
Handling GitHub for Windows crash on commit
Joakim Bengtson
1 response
crash, git, github for windows, broken repo
Using Dropbox instead of Github to get a free private repo
Miles Matthias
1 response
dropbox, version control, github
Groundskeeper - Remove forgotten debug statements from your JS files
5 responses
nodejs, console, build, javascript
Encrypt your Code Climate repo token for public repositories on Travis CI
0 responses
ruby, ci, travis, code climate
Linking to a gem tag from a git repository in Gemfile
Barnaby Alter
2 responses
gemfile, git tagging, ruby on rails 3, github
Communicating with Emoji on GitHub
Lee Reilly
1 response
emoji, github
Better Diffs with SQL Files
Chris Missal
2 responses
diff, sql, binary, encoding
Take a photo of yourself every time you commit (Linux)
Dan Shick
0 responses
linux, git, github
Building up Hubot on Gtalk (deployed on Heroku)
Abhishek Das
5 responses
heroku, hubot, gtalk, github
Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
4 responses
cocoa, ios, open source, apple
Use GitHub Organizations to Organize Code
Daan van Berkel
2 responses
code, git, organization, github
Quick access to a Github repo via address bar
Maxime Thirouin
6 responses
browser, shortcut, repository, git
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from BitBucket to Heroku
0 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, testing
Git Fetch as alternative to Git Pull on shared hosting
Antonin Januska
3 responses
git, shared hosting, github
How to Make Conditional Requests to Github's API using Octokit
Joshua Rowley
0 responses
api, octokit, github
GitHub Wiki: Table of Contents
Mario Ricalde
0 responses
awk, wiki, bash, table of contents
Auto deploy node.js repos - git hooks
1 response
nodejs, git, github
How to install Node.js on Ubuntu via git
Fabrizio Codello
0 responses
howto, install, git, nodejs
Code blocks on GitHub and coderwall
Adrian Imfeld
2 responses
php, markdown, github