Popular Git Programming Tips
Push new project to Github
Arthur Chang
2 responses
github, git
Your GitHub URLs should be timeless
Mislav Marohnić
1 response
vim, url, bookmarklet, git
Deploying private submodules on heroku
Petr Bela
4 responses
heroku, submodules, github
Keeping your github forks in sync
1 response
openstack, bash, github
Make symlink on Windows in a GIT repo
KS Chan
0 responses
git, windows, symlink
High-Value Shell Aliasing
Dan Croak
10 responses
vim, unix, git
Remove multiple remote branches with git
Jens Grassel
0 responses
shell, git
Automate JS releasing with Grunt
Nicola Molinari
0 responses
coffeescript, nodejs, npm, release
Bypass post-commit hook temporarily
Alexey Alekhin
0 responses
hooks, post-commit, git
git command aliases
Dallas Reedy
9 responses
zsh, aliases, shortcuts, git
Use multiple deployment SSH keys with GitHub
Michał Szajbe
2 responses
ssh, capistrano, deployment, git
Dead easy iOS 5 Core Image filters
James Womack
0 responses
ipad, iphone, core image, instagram
Search for Files on GitHub
Tim Berglund
2 responses
file, search, github
Enabling Git shell completions in OSX
Janos Gyerik
13 responses
osx, git, bash
.gitconfig に include で設定を読み込めるようになった
0 responses
gitconfig, git, github
Using Sublime Text 2 to insert/open/update Gist from Github.com
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
1 response
github, sublime text, gist
Renaming git branches
Emil Ahlbäck
0 responses
git-flow, branching, git flow, git
The Bestest Git Setup
Julio A. Mistral
3 responses
setup, git
GitHub: add remote for pulls and merges
Saager Mhatre
5 responses
pull request, remote, git, github