Popular Git Programming Tips
Fix: git recognized Xcode localization file as binaries
Francis Chong
0 responses
xcode, localization, git
A guide to install GitLab >6.0 on Debian 7 "Wheezy"
Lorenzo Novaro
0 responses
nginx, debian, git, gitlab
git easy merging with merging tools!
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
8 responses
git, conflict, mergetool, p4merge
Git protocol behind a proxy
Grant Walker
2 responses
proxy, https, git
I Don't Need No Stinkin' Git Merge Bubbles
Julio A. Mistral
4 responses
git, source control
Capistrano remote_cache
Brian Jones
0 responses
capistrano, git
Git: View a file in a different branch
Chris Jaure
0 responses
branch, vim, git
Editing incoming pull requests
Martin Naumann
0 responses
github, open source, martin-n, pull requests
Switching to boxen ?
Thomas Riboulet
2 responses
ruby, boxen, github
The most awesome git alias on the planet
Vitor Balocco
1 response
gitconfig, git alias, git rebase, .gitconfig
Lint code before git pushing
Raine Virta
0 responses
jshint, git, gulp, scsslint
alias "gti=git"
Tobias Otte
3 responses
shell, git, bash
Travis-CI and MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
3 responses
ci, mongodb, travis, java
Backup your git repositories on Dropbox
Christian Joudrey
6 responses
dropbox, git
Git Hunk Splitting
Guillaume VanderEst
0 responses
patch, commit, git, split
Git Checkout Orphan
Antoine Butler
0 responses
alias, git
Delete remote git branch
0 responses
git, remote branch, deleting