Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· novalore

Customize Gitlab

Put your logo on the homepage (and custom text as well):

Edit config.yml: go to the "Extra customization" section and uncomment sign_in_text and uncomment/add other lines with markdown.

## Text under sign-in page (Markdown enabled)
# sign_in_text: |
#   ![Company Logo](
#   [Learn more about CompanyName](


## Text under sign-in page (Markdown enabled)
 sign_in_text: Put your custom text here (or leave | if you want)
    ![Company Logo](
#   [Learn more about CompanyName](

There is currently no way to further customize the installation without touching the code.
It would be great to have configuration options for app_logo (the cat mascotte in the upper left in every page) and dashboard page title at least.

If you want the feature, have a look at this suggestion and vote!