Convert your README to a GitHub page
I love github pages, but maintaining your project's README independently of the github pages index.html page is a source of frustration.
I've remedied the problem with a simple script that syncs from the master branch to the on the gh-pages branch.
Here is how I publish a to the styled project page.
Easy huh?
readme2ghpage is a simple Ruby script that performs the following.
* Checkout the gh-pages branch
* Checkout the file from master
* Convert the to
* add Jekyll front matter
* change backticks to Liquid extension for syntax
* update headers so they are linkable
* Remove the
Here's the script.
I think Github should focus its gh-page themes on targeting Markdown output rather than generating HTML itself.
I'm looking forward to the time that Gitub has a solid solution for this.
Written by Nathan Hopkins
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1 Response

Perhaps you could get your index.html to pull in and process the readme somehow. At least until GitHub targets the styling to Markdown output like you said.
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